Ray Dalio & Deepak Chopra on Life and Death

This might be an interesting watch for Westerners exploring and adopting Eastern philosophy and practice. A respectful, appreciative conversation between two accomplished individuals – one shaped by the deeply capitalist US environment, the other raised in Indian […]

But that won’t work

Failure is only an option when you stop on an odd-numbered but. John Wolpert Say what!? John Wolpert, on my LinkedIn radar due to his former involvement with blockchain pioneer ConsenSys, released a book about Momentum Thinking […]

Decentralised adult education

I care a lot about adult education because I’m a life-long learner. Having gone through a fair bit of academic, professional as well as continuous informal and unstructured learning, I have begun thinking about the topic from […]

Quo vadis?

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on various industries including manufacturing, travel & tourism as well as life sciences and healthcare. When we talk about ‘industries’, inevitably we talk about human lives. Let’s look beyond the immediate […]

Mindset – Circle of Influence

We may worry about many things, but there’s only so much we can influence and even less that we can directly control. The latter is where we should focus our energy, both to generate results and to […]