Ray Dalio & Deepak Chopra on Life and Death

This might be an interesting watch for Westerners exploring and adopting Eastern philosophy and practice. A respectful, appreciative conversation between two accomplished individuals – one shaped by the deeply capitalist US environment, the other raised in Indian […]

But that won’t work

Failure is only an option when you stop on an odd-numbered but. John Wolpert Say what!? John Wolpert, on my LinkedIn radar due to his former involvement with blockchain pioneer ConsenSys, released a book about Momentum Thinking […]

Tech storytelling

Since I plunged myself into the SSI world not too long ago, I’ve been both a learner within a new professional area and increasingly someone trying to explain what I do to others. Unsurprisingly, in both roles […]

Decentralised adult education

I care a lot about adult education because I’m a life-long learner. Having gone through a fair bit of academic, professional as well as continuous informal and unstructured learning, I have begun thinking about the topic from […]

Supply chain innovation with blockchain

Optimising supply chain management provides several tremendous use cases for blockchain applications. Below is a quick summary of two very informative blockchain discussions on supply chain transformation that provide some useful overviews across different industries and various […]

Quo vadis?

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on various industries including manufacturing, travel & tourism as well as life sciences and healthcare. When we talk about ‘industries’, inevitably we talk about human lives. Let’s look beyond the immediate […]